[初中英语教学] 基于支架理论的初中英语写作教学策略研究_英语论文.docx
English writing teaching, as one of the most important parts in English teaching, always plays a vital role in the whole teaching process. Its aim is to cultivate students’ comprehensive English language application competence, especially ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:10767 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] 基于语境理论的初中英语听力教学研究_英语论文.doc
Junior school is a crucial connecting link between primary school and senior school. Although many students had learned the primary English and realized English’s significance when they were at the stage of primary school, their bases of E...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:8499 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] 互动教学在初中英语阅读课堂中的应用研究_英语论文.doc
English reading teaching plays an important part in junior middle school, which is a key process in the cultivation of students’ comprehensive language-using ability. An Interpretation of English Curriculum Standards for Nine-Year Compuls...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:9043 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] 翻转课堂视角下初中英语语法教学问题分析及对策研究_英语论文.doc
According to Hung, Hsin-Ting, “teaching patterns, as the bridge between teaching practices and educational theory, has always been catching considerable and tremendous attentions, which not only carries the new educational ideas with its o...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:7400 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] 初中英语阅读教学中批判性思维培养策略研究_英语论文.doc
This paper is composed of five chapters. Chapter One introduces the background information, aims, methodologies and framework of the study. Chapter Two deals with the literature review on critical thinking, including its definition, dimensio...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:9960 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] 初中英语阅读教学策略研究_英语论文.doc
The world is undergoing a period of great development and adjustment with the rapid economic globalization and cultural diversity. As one of the most widely used languages in the world, English plays an important role in international connec...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:8768 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] 基于图式理论的初中英语写作教学策略研究_英语论文.doc
With the development of economy and globalization, English has been an important tool for communication around the world. In the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, English writing is a kind of skill which requires...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:7856 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] 多元智能理论视角下的初中英语阅读教学策略研究_英语论文.doc
Reading, as one of the most important skills among the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, takes a large proportion in providing pupils with greater amounts of comprehensive input. Any language learning needs a great amo...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:10899 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] 多模态话语分析在初中英语课堂教学中的运用_英语论文.doc
With the development of global multiculturalism and multimodality of communication, there is a limitation to research discourse from the perspective of language itself. Moreover, after the promulgation of the New Curriculum Standard(2011), ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:7216 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] 初中英语课堂有效互动研究_英语论文.doc
However, teacher-student interaction is not yet so effective. Questioning is the most frequently used in teacher-student interaction in Junior English Class. According to the New Curriculum Standard, the quality of teacher-student interacti...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6958 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] 初中英语课堂导入案例分析_英语论文.doc
Junior high school is not only the period of transition from elementary school to senior high school but also the period of physical and psychological development from later childhood to adolescence. What’s more, it’s the best period of ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6735 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] 初中生英语学习反思能力培养策略研究_英语论文.doc
In order to explore strategies on cultivating junior high school students’ reflective ability in English learning, this paper first discusses the concept of reflective ability in learning. Then, with an investigation of the current situati...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:8325 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] Ice-breaker Activity对营造积极初中英语课堂环境的有效性的研究.docx
First and foremost, English learning in junior middle school is a comprehensive system, which could set a firm foundation for English advancement. Facing unfamiliar teachers and students as well as classroom environment,the students who j...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:7133 更新日期:2020-09-05
[初中英语教学] 基于人本主义教育理论的初中英语课堂教学策略_英语论文.doc
Humanistic education theory which is based on the humanistic psychology has a unique view of teaching and learning. It has a very long history and holds the opinion that teachers should take students’ need into consideration in teaching pr...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:5500 更新日期:2020-09-03
[初中英语教学] “最近发展区”理论指导下的初中英语课堂教学任务设计策略.doc
In accordance with the ‘zone of proximal development’ theory, teaching task designing should meet students’ learning competence development need. In this paper, questionnaires were employed in English classroom teaching in middle schoo...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6670 更新日期:2020-09-03
[初中英语教学] 新课标下农村初中英语听力教学现状初探及其对策分析_英语论文.doc
With the influence of various factors, students’ English listening level in Suzhou rural areas is undesirable, which has become the most critical problem for the improvement of students’ English listening efficiency. Focusing on the stud...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6938 更新日期:2020-08-31
[初中英语教学] 思维导图在初中词汇教学中的应用_英语论文.doc
It then illustrates the specific application of mind mapping to vocabulary teaching from three aspects and analyzes whether it can help students learn and memorize new words and thus improve the learning efficiency. Finally it presents it...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:7943 更新日期:2020-08-31
[初中英语教学] 基于学习动机理论的初中英语词汇教学策略_英语论文.doc
On the basis of investigation and analysis, this paper puts forward strategies that can improve English vocabulary teaching in junior middle school based on the learning motivation theory, including designing and carrying out interest-orient...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:5949 更新日期:2020-08-31
[初中英语教学] 归因理论在初中英语学困生转化中的影响_英语论文.doc
With the reformation of new standard curriculum, more and more people begin to pay attention to students’ all-round development. It is a must for educators to transform those under-achieved students. Many theories have been put into the in...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:5762 更新日期:2020-08-31
[初中英语教学] 错误分析在初中英语写作教学中的应用_英语论文.doc
The paper first introduces basic knowledge and theories about error analysis and current situation of teaching writing. Then it makes analysis on the usual writing work and exam compositions of 100 students of grade nine from No.2 Junior Mid...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:8189 更新日期:2020-08-31