中文摘要: 随着英语课程标准的改革和素质教育的推进,学生的学习反思能力培养受到越来越广泛的关注。引导学生在英语学习中积极反思,不仅有利于学生学习效率和英语水平的提高,更有助于促进学生的全面发展和终生反思习惯的养成。
关键词:反思能力 初中英语学习 培养策略
Chapter One Introduction-1
Chapter Two Reflective Ability in Learning-3
2.1 Definition-3
2.2 Content-4
2.3 Theoretical basis-5
2.3.1 Constructivism Theory-5
2.3.2 Metacognition Theory-6
2.4 Significance-6
Chapter Three Current Situation of Junior Students’ Reflective Ability in English Learning-8
3.1 Basic information of the survey-8
3.2 Analysis of the questionnaire and the interview-9
3.2.1 The analysis of the questionnaire-9
3.2.2 The analysis of the interview-14
3.3 Causes-15
3.3.1 Teachers’ lack of cultivation awareness-15
3.3.2 Students’ lack of reflective strategies-16
Chapter Four Detailed Strategies on Cultivating Junior Students’ Reflective Ability in English Learning-18
4.1 Raising teachers’ cultivation awareness-18
4.1.1 Attaching importance to cultivating students’ reflective ability in class-18
4.1.2 Laying emphasis on cultivating students’ reflective ability after class-19
4.2 Developing students’ reflective strategies-19
4.2.1 Providing students with reflective strategies on learning plans-19
4.2.2 Providing students with reflective strategies on learning process-20
4.2.3 Providing students with reflective strategies on learning outcomes-20
Chapter Five Conclusion-22
Appendix A Questionnaire for students-24
Appendix B Interview for teachers-25
Appendix C List of tables-26
Appendix D List of figures-27