中文摘要:英语课堂教学是外语教学的主要组织形式, 而课堂教学任务的设计是英语课堂教学的重要环节。当前初中英语课堂教学任务设计中普遍存在教学任务过难或过易等问题。任务过难会挫伤学生学习的积极性,任务过易不利于最大限度地激发学生的学习潜能,都会造成课堂教学整体效果不佳。
Chapter One Introduction-1
Chapter Two Theory of ‘Zone of Proximal Development’ and Its Significance in Educational Practices-3
2.1 General ideas of the theory of ‘zone of proximal development’-3
2.1.1 Definition of the theory of ‘zone of proximal development’-3
2.1.2 The understanding of the theory of ‘zone of proximal development’-4
2.1.3 Distal zone and proximal zone-4
2.1.4 The significance of the theory of ‘zone of proximal development’-5
2.2 The relationship between the theory of ‘zone of proximal development’ and English teaching-5
Chapter Three Current Situation of English Classroom Teaching in Junior Middle School-7
3.1 A survey about English classroom teaching in junior middle school-7
3.2 Causes leading to inefficiency of classroom English teaching in junior middle school-9
3.2.1 The content and presentation of teaching tasks are single and boring-9
3.2.2 Neglecting students' individual differences-10
3.2.3 Ignoring learning principle of sequence in students’ learning knowledge and developing competence-11
Chapter Four Strategies of Effective Teaching Task Design in Junior Middle School English Teaching-12
4.1 Designing teaching task content and presentation form in flexible and diverse ways-12
4.2 Respecting students’ individual differences and designing and carrying out stratified teaching tasks-13
4.3 Designing scaffolding teaching tasks in accordance with the principle of sequence-14
Chapter Five Conclusion-16