[英语论文] 目的论视角下钢铁企业外宣材料的英译_英语论文.doc
This paper discusses the translation of steel corporation profiles from the perspective of skopostheorie. It consists of five parts. The first part offers a quite brief introduction of this topic. The second part makes a general introduction...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5103 更新日期:2014-09-08
[英语论文] 论叶芝诗集《玫瑰》中的象征主义_英语论文.doc
Yeats is generally considered one of the twentieth century's key English language poets. He was a symbolist poet, in that he used allusive imagery and symbolic structures throughout his career. Yeats chose words and assembled them so that, i...
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[英语论文] 论西方文化冲击下中国传统节日的回归_英语论文.doc
Festival----an occasion when people come together to enjoy themselves, especially to mark a special religious event----originates from habits of the ancestors, which develop into customs as time goes by. It was not only the window to show so...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4697 更新日期:2014-09-08
[英语论文] 论鲍西亚性格的多重性_英语论文.doc
In The Merchant of Venice, Portia is very beautiful, intelligent and brave. She not only has the common spirit of Shakespeare’s female characters, but also has her own thoughts and intelligence. She represents the spirit of feminism and hu...
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[英语论文] 论《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的黑人困境_英语论文.doc
Greatly Influenced by Calvinism, and seeing salves’ poor life and slave owners’ cruelty in America, Stowe determined to write a book to expose the American law, to show her sympathy on the miserable slaves and to remind the whites’ and...
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[英语论文] 论《人性的枷锁》中的自然主义_英语论文.doc
Naturalism is defined most briefly as the philosophical conclusion that the only reality is nature, as gradually discovered by our intelligence using the tools of experience, reason, and science. Naturalism began in the early Renaissance, an...
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[英语论文] 论《贵妇人画像》中伊莎贝尔的精神追求_英语论文.doc
Henry James advocates that the author should avoid artificial omniscience as much as possible, which means that the writer should not intervene with the presentation of characters in the works. His exquisite depiction of characters’ consci...
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[英语论文] 论《厄舍府的倒塌》中环境描写的作用_英语论文.doc
He was born as Edgar Poe in Boston, Massachusetts; he was orphaned young when his mother died shortly after his father abandoned the family. Poe was taken in by John and Frances Allan, of Richmond, Virginia, but they never formally adopted h...
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[英语论文] 伦理学批评视角下的《紫颜色》_英语论文.doc
Alice Walker’s first novel was published in 1970 and her second one in 1976. Both books dealt with the civil rights movement. The Color Purple was published in 1982 and brought Walker overnight success and recognition as an important Ameri...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4998 更新日期:2014-09-08
[英语论文] 鲁宾逊性格变化过程简要分析_英语论文.doc
The release of Robinson Crusoe opens up the way of English realism fiction, and helps Defoe get the honor of being one of the British novel founders. Many social celebrities make high praise on it. For instance, the famous French enlightene...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4653 更新日期:2014-09-08
[英语论文] 简析简爱的爱情观_英语论文.doc
“Jane Eyre takes the form of both a fictional autobiography and a bildungsroman. As a bildungsroman, it is the story of an individual, both through formal education and by growing into maturity.” (Teachman, 2007: 2) In this sense, it i...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5286 更新日期:2014-09-08
[英语论文] 简析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的成长历程_英语论文.doc
In The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger presents us a sensitive rebellious and very self-conscious adolescent who seek his own identity in relation to an outside world with which he finds himself more or less at odds. Through the study and analy...
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[英语论文] 中美禁忌语差异研究_英语论文.doc
Many western scholars and linguists have made effort to do much work on taboo in different fields such as sociology, psychology, linguistics and philosophy. Nowadays, the violation of taboo is regarded impolite and offensive,...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5707 更新日期:2014-09-07
[英语论文] 语用负迁移对中西方文化交际的影响_英语论文.doc
Therefore,it is obvious that realizing the existence of negative pragmatic transfer, studying its categories, factors, the influence on the communication between the Chinese and western cultures is significant to effective communication an...
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[英语论文] 英语中形容词的词序排列探究_英语论文.doc
Furthermore, the ordering problem of English adjectives is related to the acceptability of sentence structure, and many studies have only focused on more than one adjective classification or the arrangements of adjectives in noun phrases...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4939 更新日期:2014-09-07
[英语论文] 英语语调在英语辩论赛中的作用及把握_英语论文.doc
However, debating is about more than merely concepts (Simon Quinn 2005: p140) .It is a competition on both manner and method. Essentially, it is about presenting your ideas effectively to the opponent. This presentation generally includes vi...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4546 更新日期:2014-09-07
[英语论文] 英语学习中的焦虑及其解决策略_英语论文.doc
Anxiety in English learning is fear or apprehension occurring when a learner is expected to perform in the second or foreign language. This anxiety is directly related to performing in the target language, so it is not just a general perform...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5864 更新日期:2014-09-07
[英语论文] 英语新闻语篇中时态的语篇功能_英语论文.doc
In this way, English news can be conveyed in more valid way. Meanwhile, with the study of the discourse function of tense in some particular news, the language learners, especially second language learners, can understand English news by mas...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5083 更新日期:2014-09-07
[英语论文] 英语新词的构成及其汉译_英语论文.doc
On the basis of the previous researches, the present study attempts to make analysis about the sources, formation and translation of English neologisms. It is hoped that the study is helpful for English teaching and learning as well as trans...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5772 更新日期:2014-09-07
[英语论文] 英语习语的起源及其特点_英语论文.doc
What’s so fascinating about English idioms is that they come from different resources. They come from oceans and mountains, from the deeds and sayings of gods, from the manuscripts of literature writers and clothing, food, shelter, and tra...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5794 更新日期:2014-09-07