Abstract: Portia in The Merchant of Venice is a very ideal and unique female image created by Shakespeare. This paper aims to interpret the multiple qualities of Portia through the analysis of feminism and humanism reflected in her and the frailties in her character. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on humanism reflected in Portia. She persistently pursues her true love and is willing to help others. The second part centers on feminism reflected in Portia. She has a great desire for freedom of marriage and has enough courage to defend Antonio. The last part focuses on the frailties in her character. She submits to the authority of her husband and father.
Key word: feminism; humanism; fragilities; Portia
摘要:《威尼斯商人》中的鲍西亚是莎士比亚创作的一个理想而独特的女性形象。本文通过对于鲍西亚这个人物身上的女性主义、人文主义及其性格中的弱点分析来揭示一个具有多重特质的鲍西亚。本文分为三部分:第一部分主要论述了鲍西亚身上的人文主义 ---- 她对真爱的不懈追求和乐于助人的精神;第二部分主要阐述了鲍西亚身上的女性主义 ---- 她对自由婚姻的渴望和勇敢辩护的精神;第三部分主要论述了她的弱点 ---- 她容易屈从于父亲和丈夫的权威。
关键词: 女性主义;人文主义;弱点;鲍西亚