[英语论文] 语义韵理论下小说英译中的和谐与冲突--《西游记》两英译本的比较为例.docx
Semantic prosody is a special language phenomenon, which was firstly proposed in the 1980s. Semantic prosody is an atmosphere belonging to semantic domain in contexts caused by the same semantic feature shared by node words and their colloca...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:9155 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 西尔维娅.普拉斯两首诗汉译比较研究_英语论文.doc
This thesis will develop under the principles of “fidelity” and “similarity in form implies fidelity in spirit” by making an in-depth comparative study on three Chinese Translations of Morning Song and Nick and Candlestick by Sylvia ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:10288 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 社会变动和思想转变的联系--鲁迅和William Blake的作品为例_英语论文.doc
The conversion from “innocence” to “experience” is the important indicator of William Blake’s thought becoming mature. This thesis will take Lu Xun’s and William Blake’s works as an example to explore the connections between so...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:8154 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 强势模因视角下的英文歌词汉译_英语论文.docx
English lyrics is one of the ways of cultural transmission. Lyrics' reception and circulation are important embodiments and assurance of its vitality. High quality in the E-C translation of lyrics is an important guarantee of transcultural c...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6307 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 女性主义视角下《米德尔马契》中女性形象研究_英语论文.doc
Even though to some extent she gave support to movement for women’s rights, George Eliotcould not be classified as feminist, for she possessed a contradictory attitude to feminism. She once implied that women would be stuck in serious cata...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6497 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 模因论视角下汉语中的英语外来词研究_英语论文.docx
However, compared with the Western developed countries, China's foreign language research is relatively lagging behind. The study of foreign words by foreign scholars is limited to the use of the collection, classification and transliteratio...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6982 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 论细节描写在侦探推理小说中的作用--《福尔摩斯侦探小说集》为例.doc
Description is a piece of writing or speech that give details about what someone or something is like. It is a main method that writers use to change the aesthetic images into the artistic images. It is a kind of artistic technique that writ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:8216 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 关联理论视角下《老友记》字幕汉译研究_英语论文.doc
Movies and TV plays are one of the most important channels of communication and entertainment. With the development of the Internet, more foreign Movies and TV plays are spreading to China. Chinese audience always gets the information throug...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6842 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 狄金森诗歌中的自然意象解读_英语论文.docx
Zhao Guoli believes that since Dickinson’s poems were firstly published in 1890, there have been broad and unceasing critical responses to her work (2014:4). In 1924, Conrad Aiken published Selected Poems and spoke highly of Dickinson’s ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6024 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 从生态女性主义角度分析《茶花女》中的玛格丽特_英语论文.doc
The story's protagonist Marguerite is a beautiful country girl, who is compelled by poverty. Unfortunately, in order to seek a livelihood in Paris, she is reduced to sell her young body and begins her riotous lifestyle. Then the sincere love...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:5744 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 从生态女性主义的角度解读小说《胎记》_英语论文.docx
Feminism is recognition of the imbalance of power between the sexes and a belief that women’s condition should be changed. Evolved from feminism, eco-feminism pays attention to the relationship of male, female and nature. Nathaniel Hawthor...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:5540 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 从女性主义角度解读《献》中艾米丽的悲剧_英语论文.doc
This thesis includes four parts. Chapter one introduces the background information of author and the plots of the novel. Chapter two interprets the changes of Emily’s image: an obedient girl, new born woman to a twisted rose from a feminis...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6270 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 从弗洛伊德潜意识理论看《麦克白》悲剧必然性_英语论文.doc
In the late 16th century and early 17th century, the feudal system in Britain began to crumble. With the development of the bourgeoisie, the social contradictions became increasingly acute, fetishism and extreme individualism has become a t...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6139 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 从《摩登家庭》看美国家庭教育观_英语论文.doc
With the gradually increase of cultural exchange between China and America, especially the popular wave of American TV series, more and more people are exposed to and knowing American culture deeper. Also, from the new culture, Chinese peopl...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:5424 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 《最后的常春藤》的欧亨利式结尾_英语论文.doc
O. Henry’s short stories are famous for his humorous language, special style and surprise ending. The ending style in particular is so well known that it is named after his name--O. Henry Ending, which is widely studied and applied. The L...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:7024 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 《威尼斯商人》中女性主义的表现_英语论文.doc
There are four chapters in this thesis. Chapter one is the introduction to the background and the significance of the study. In addition, the key component of the drama is also in this chapter. Chapter two briefly analyzes the two feminist c...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:5388 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 《唐顿庄园》中的生态女性主义_英语论文.doc
Downton Abbey has broken through the traditional thoughts of women in the patriarchal system, they has turned the evaluation criteria from women’s appearance to their intellectual equipment. Downton Abbey is not only a costume drama, but a...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:5187 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 顺应论视角下政治语篇中模糊语的语用功能_英语论文.docx
Up to now, numerous scholars have spared no efforts to investigate fuzzy language from various standpoints such as Cooperative Principle proposed by Paul Grice, Speech Act Theory by John Austin or Politeness Principle by Leech as well as the...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6997 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 食品饮料广告的汉译对等_英语论文.doc
In linguistic theories, researchers in the translation field keep to the golden law of equivalence. Equivalence theory is a key translation theory in western world. And it has give great motivation to the development and improvement of trans...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:4997 更新日期:2020-09-08
[英语论文] 社会变迁对英国传统文化的影响--以《唐顿庄园》为例_英语论文.doc
Since it launched, the Downton Abbey has won the appreciations from the audiences at home and abroad. Given the British National Television Awards, Golden Globe Awards, it was the first TV series in the UK that be collected by the Guinness B...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:1000 资料字数:6173 更新日期:2020-09-08