With the development of the new basic education curriculum reform strength increased, Dynamic generative curriculum resources as a kind of curriculum resources, It’s importance increasingly prominent out, Dynamic generative curriculum resources in the teaching environment is a resources that between teacher and students through the dynamic process of the teaching . Teachers in the teaching process exploitation dynamic generative curriculum resources, It can not only enrich chemistry curriculum resources, But also contribute to the commencement of teaching and the development of teachers and students. This article through to the high school chemistry classroom teaching of dynamic generative curriculum resources development and utilization of the related research, Proposed the teacher through the design of flexible teaching plans for the students,The dynamically generated to pave the way, While advocating democracy and opening chemical teaching environment, In order to facilitate the generation of dynamic generative curriculum resources for value, Dynamic generation of teachers play teaching tact timely capture, Utilization, Development strategy, For the high school chemistry classroom teaching of dynamic generative curriculum resources development and utilization effectively to provide reference.
Keywords:Chemistry In High School; Dynamic Generation Curriculum Resources; Exploitation And Utilization; Strategy