摘要: 创新是民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。信息万变的新时代、科技革命和知识经济,给人们提出了严重挑战。为适应未来的生存需要和科学技术变革,就必须培养出高素质有创新精神的新一代。化学是一门以实验为基础的自然科学,是培养创新精神的沃土,化学教师应该充分利用化学教学资源,注重学生创新精神的培养,让他们学会观察、学会实验、学会思维、学会创新,加强创新意义教育、提高创新的能力。
Abstract:Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress and an inexhaustible motive force for the prosperity of countries. Information change quickly in the new era, the revolution of science and technology and knowledge economy, all these give people huge challenges. In order to adapt to the survival of the future needs and scientific technological changes, we must bring up a new generation who have high-quality and innovative spirit. Chemistry is based on experiment of natural science. It is the fertile soil to develop the innovative spirit. As a result , chemistry teachers should make full use of chemistry teaching resources and pay attention to the culture of students' innovation spirit, let them grasp observing, experiment, thinking, and innovation. Besides, students need to be strengthen the education of innovation significance, improved the innovation ability.
Keywords: innovation spirit; chemistry teaching; innovative education