关键词: 外显自尊 内隐自尊 人际关系满意感
Abstract:This research tries to find out the relationship among colleges’ interpersonal satisfaction, explicit-esteem and implicit-esteem and to find out whether explicit self-esteem, implicit self-esteem can influence and predict interpersonal satisfaction. I hope that the result of this research could instruct college students to improve their communication skills and to build a good relationship with others.
In this research, 70 college students were organized to take part in this investigation. Interpersonal satisfaction questionnaire and the Self-esteem Scale and IAT were used to research these college students. The results are as follows: firstly, college students are inclined to be satisfied with the appraisal of one’s own interpersonal relationships and their scores of self-esteem are somewhat higher than the average level; secondly, IAT effect widely exists among college students. And there is little relationship between explicit self-esteem and implicit self-esteem; thirdly, there is low correlation between implicit self-esteem and interpersonal satisfaction; fourthly, there is significant correlation between explicit self-esteem and interpersonal satisfaction except one dimension “conflicts and differences”. Generally speaking, explicit self-esteem can predict most of the dimensions of interpersonal satisfaction.
Key words: explicit self-esteem; implicit self-esteem; interpersonal satisfaction