Abstract:In recent years, network personality has been a new area of concern, but on the other hand, some research about the relation of realistic personality and network personality has been confined only in the theoretical level. Our study is founded on the Eysenck personality theory. We want to focus on the relationship between realistic personality and network personality, which use extraversion、neuroticism、openness and agreeableness as the four Angles of the network personality.
The study selected college students in Xianlin, Nanjin. Methods a total of 189 students were investigated by using Eysenck Personality Questionnaires (EPQ) and Web-EPQ . Data has been used to draw the final conclusion:
1. Network personality can be onsist of extraversion、neuroticism、openness and agreeableness.
2. In the extraversion and neuroticism’s angles, Male is significantly than female, but in the openness and agreeableness’s angles,the result is not significant.
3. Student’s realistic personality and the network personality has a high positive correlation of personality, both the performance of each dimension are also significant differences.
Key words: realistic personality realistic personality Netizen