关键词:完美主义 自我同一性 生涯未决
Abstract:Career indecision is an important aspect of vocational psychology in the theory and practice, and is also an important problem in Career decisions research. Career indecision is that individual hope to make the career decision but failed, the cause of the indecision is career decision-making difficulties. The university student group of career decision-making difficulties is more and more cared by the society.
Started from the angle of career indecision of college students, this research used the random questioning investigation, selected 200 university students in Nanjing normal University and Nanjing University of Science And Technology, and received 192 effective questionnaires. The goal of the research lies in the relationship of perfectionism, ego identity and career indecision.
Through the research, we draw the following conclusions:
1. College students’ career decision making difficulties are in medium level. That is, college students doing career decision-making, having a moderate decision-making difficulties.
2. Negative perfectionism four dimensions, such as concern over mistakes, parental expectations, personal standards and doubts for action with career decision-making difficulties presented very significant positive correlation.
3. The ego identity Achievement dimension and career decision making difficulties make a negative correlation. Moratorium, Foreclosure and Diffusion with career decision making difficulties make an extremely significant positive correlation.
4. Perfectionism and ego identity make a complex correlation.
Key words: perfectionism, ego identity, career indecision