关键词 情绪启动 道德两难 道德判断
Abstract:In the moral field, mainstream moral psychology has been emphasized cognitive process in moral judgment, emotional factors in moral judgment has been ignored in a long time. However, recent mass of researches indicated that emotional factors influenced moral judgment extremely easily. This study selected the 102 sex ratio for the middle school students to fairly, discussed about the influence of emotional start on choice for moral dilemma. The results found: (1) The effect of starting happiness or sadness mood through the movie or pictures for stimulation was remarkable. (2) The difference was significant that different emotional state of middle-school students in self related moral dilemma choice, but no significant difference was found in others related problem. (3) There was no significant gender difference on moral dilemma choice. This confirmed that, in the moral dilemma, emotional intuition mainly dominanted moral judgment on "Personal morality" puzzle, but cognitive dominanted moral judgment on "The impersonal condition" puzzle.
Key Word Emotional start Moral dilemma Moral judgment