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摘 要:目的  了解大一新生的考试焦虑状况。  方法笔者用考试焦虑量表、状态-特质焦虑量表、贝克抑郁量表对西北民族大学的3189名大一新生进行调查。结果 西北民族大学新生的考试焦虑平均分为33.65,低于王才康的结果。其中低度考试焦虑者450人,占总人数的14.11%;中度考试焦虑者2284人,占总人数的71.62%;高度考试焦虑者455人,占总人数的14.27%。女生的考试焦虑高于男生,汉族的考试焦虑低于少数民族学生,文理科的考试焦虑没有显著差异。 结论  西北民族大一新生的考试焦虑水平总体呈正态分布;考试焦虑水平在民族、性别上差异显著;考试焦虑和状态焦虑、抑郁呈显著正相关。



ABSTRACT:Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the status of the freshmen of test anxiety from Northwest University for Nationalities.  Method: Author used Text Anxiety Inventory (TAI), State-trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to survey 3189 freshmen at Northwest University for Nationalities.  Result: The average score of freshmen was 33.65,it’s lower than the average score of the Wang’s research. High, moderate and low text anxiety were 455, 2284 and 340 persons, and accounted for 14.27%, 71.62% and 14.11% of the total, respectively. The level of test anxiety of female freshmen was higher than male freshmen; the level of test anxiety of Han nationality was lower than the minority nationalities students; there was no significant difference between arts and science.  Conclusion: The test anxiety levels of freshman from Northwest University for Nationalities showed Gaussian distribution as a whole. Test anxiety has significantdifference on nationality and gender. Test anxiety, state anxiety and depression were significantly positively correlation. 

Key Words :Text anxiety,Freshman , Nationality, Gender, Arts and science

