[摘要] 本研究通过对502名高中生实施考试焦虑量表(TAS)和田纳西自我概念问卷,系统探讨了高中生考试焦虑与自我概念的关系。结果显示:高中生考试焦虑在性别上存在显著差异,在年级和学校类型上不存在显著差异,年级和学校类型两者存在显著交互作用。高中生自我概念水平在性别和学校类型上存在显著差异,在年级上不存在显著差异。考试焦虑与自我概念存在显著负相关,不同水平自我概念的高中生其考试焦虑存在显著差异,即自我概念水平越高,考试焦虑越低。
[关键字] 考试焦虑;自我概念;高中生
[Abstract] This paper systematically discusses the connection between test anxiety and self-concept, by testing 502 high school students, using the Test Anxiety Scale and the Tennessee Self Concept Questionnaire. The results show that there are significant gender differences in high school students’ test anxiety, and there aren’t any significant differences in level of grades or school types, though the two levels indeed interact with each other. The results also show that there are significant differences in level of gender and school types in self-concept, but the differences don’t exist in the level of grades. Besides, the statistics tell that test anxiety and self-concept are significantly negatively correlated. Also, students with different levels of self-concept differ significantly in test anxiety, that is the higher self-concept a student has, the less anxiety will he have in tests.
[Key words] test anxiety;self-concept;high school students