【Abstract】: This paper, through the field observation and record of the kindergarten reading instruction in PK Yonge (University of Florida affiliated elementary school), aims to give the reader an all-round view of the lower grades English Teaching of reading situation respectively from the state standards, teaching environment, English reading teaching manual and briefly talks about how native teachers utilize these resources to produce the reading instruction. The specific research contents are divided into five parts: 1. State standards and specific standards for low grade students in reading, 2. Teaching environment, including the decoration of the classroom and classroom principles, 3. Brief analysis of Teaching manual (content, learning objectives: academic and behavioral, language and tone, special student) 4. Corresponding adjustments depending on the situation during the teaching process, 5. Suggestions for designing an effective reading instruction program.
【Key words】: State standards, teaching environment, teaching manual, effective reading instruction program design
【摘要】:本文通过对PK Yonge(美国佛罗里达大学附属小学) kindergarten的阅读教学进行实地观察和记录,分别从州立要求、教学环境、英语阅读教学指导用书三方面给予读者一个全方面的美国小学低年级英语阅读教学现状并简要讨论当地老师如何利用这些资源实施阅读教学。具体研究内容包括:1.州立要求的简介以及对低年级学生阅读的要求,2.教学环境,包括教室布置和教室准则,3.教师指导用书的简要分析(内容结构,学习目标:学术和行为,语言语气,特殊学生)4.教师教学过程中如何利用指导用书并做出相应调整,5.根据搜集的信息全简要概括有效阅读教学的设计。
1. Briefly Literature Review...1
2. Introduction2
3. Standards3
3.1 The Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
3.2 Standards for Kindergarten Reading in Elementary Education
4. Learning Environment7
4.1 Class Decoration
4.2 Classroom Principle
5. Teaching Manual....11
5.1 The Design of Teaching Manual
5.2. How Teacher Uses the Manual
6. How to Design an Effective Reading Program...15
7. Conclusion..19
Appendix A.22
Appendix B.26