关键词: 有效导入 方法设计 学生特点
Abstract:Leading-in is the beginning of the whole process of English teaching, and moreover, an enlightening step in the English class of primary school. Effective leading-in attracts students firmly just like a magnet. Simultaneously, it will arouse students' interest in learning and evoke students’ strong desire for knowledge. In the English class of primary school, more and more teachers are aware of the importance of leading-in in the process of class teaching. They use varies methods to lead in, but many of them are a mere formality, seemingly fancy, whereas noneffective. So how to design effective leading-in and improve the effectiveness of teaching has become a tough nut. Therefore, this paper, on the topic of leading-in in the English class of primary school, analyzing students characteristics, elaborates leading-in methods and effective designing in English teaching of primary school.
This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction. The second part is literature review, including the earlier studies at home and abroad and several definitions on leading-in. The third part illustrates five methods of leading-in, analyzing the possible mistakes and correct approach of different methods. The fourth part is the suggestions for effective leading-in in the English class. The last is a summary of this paper, making a summary and pointing out the significance, the limits as well as the expectation of the study.
Key words: effective leading-in designing and method the characteristics of pupils
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 The background-1
1.2 The significance and purpose-2
Chapter Two Literature review-4
2.1 Definition of leading-in-4
2.2 The earlier studies at home and abroad -4
2.2.1 The earlier studies abroad-5
2.1.2 The earlier studies at home-7
Chapter Three Methods and designing of leading-in in the English class of primary abcdeschool-9
3.1 Leading-in by dialogue-9
3.2 Leading-in by review-11
3.3 Leading-in by songs-13
3.4 Leading-in by situation setting-14
3.5 Leading-in by games-15
Chapter Four Suggestions for effective leading-in in the English class of primary abcdeschool-17
4.1 Evaluation criteria for efficient leading-in in the English class-17
4.2 Suggestions for designing leading-in in the English class-18
4.2.1 Seeking to be pertinent and purposeful-18
4.2.2 Being full of fun and artistry-19
4.2.3 Reflecting visualization and heuristics-19
4.2.4 Emphasizing participatory and universality-19
4.2.5 Embodying simplicity and flexibility-20
Chapter Five Conclusion-21