关键词: 自然拼读法;小学英语
Chapter One Introduction1
1.1 Background1
1.2 Significance and Purpose.2
Chapter Two The Research Status at Home and Abroad3
Chapter Three The Theoretical Basis of Research4
3.1 Zone of Proximal Development Theory.4
3.2 Constructive Theory.4
3.3 Learning Transfer Theory.5
Chapter Four Research Contents...6
4.1 Overview of Phonics6
4.2 The Application of Phonics in English Vocabulary Teaching6
Chapter Five The Advantages and Disadvantages of Phonics and International Phonogram..8
5.1 The Definition of the International Phonetic Sign.8
5.2 The Difference Between the Definition of Phonics and International Phonogram8
5.3 The Advantage of IPA8
5.4 The Disadvantage of IPA9
5.5 The Advantage of Phonics..9
Chapter Six The problems and solutions10
6.1 The problems of Phonics10
6.2 The solution to the Phonics problems10
Chapter Seven Conclusion12