中文摘要:小学英语内容虽然简单,但是对于小孩子而言,刚刚接触英语,对英语的理解和接受能力普遍很弱。语言教学的难点在于如何表达其形象性和含蓄性,实践证明,在小学英语教学中,肢体语言是必不可少的。通过对肢体语言的使用,不仅让语言变得风趣幽默,而且对语言所表达的内容进行了最直观的表达。这让小学生易于理解和接受第二语言,也可以让学生对英语学习产生兴趣。现在小学英语教学中常用的TPR教学法,即全身反应教学法,在很大程度上要 依赖于肢体语言的合理运用。语言学家富兰克林曾经说过“告诉我,我会忘记;教给我,我会记住;让我参与,我才能学会。”由此可见,肢体语言在语言教学过程中有着非常重要的作用。在英语教学中,恰当的运用肢体语言不仅可以增强学习的乐趣、活跃课堂气氛,更使学生乐于学习,从而更好地掌握语言。
Cheaper One Introduction-1
1.1 The Background of Researching Body Language-1
1.2 Definition of Body Language-1
1.3 Current Status of the Study at Home and Abroad-1
Cheaper Two Significance and Importance-3
2.1 Enhance the Visualization and Concreteness of Teaching-3
2.2 Active Classroom Atmosphere and Stimulate Interest in Learning-3
2.3 Create a Good Teaching Environment and Improve English Teaching Quality-3
2.4 Evaluate the Students Instantly and Ensure the Continuity of Teaching Feedback-4
Cheaper Three Application of Body Language in English Teaching-5
3.1 Application Strategies in Classroom Organization-5
3.1.1 Facial Expression Strategies-5
3.1.2 Gesture Strategies-5
3.2 Application Strategies in Knowledge Teaching-6
3.2.1 Alphabet Teaching-6
3.2.2 Word Teaching-7
3.2.3 Sentence Teaching-7
3.2.4 Text Teaching-8
Cheaper Four The Problems of Using Body Language in English Teaching-9
4.1 Teacher's Body Language is not Related to Teaching-9
4.2 Use Too Many Complex Body Language-9
4.3 Use Negative Body Language in Teaching-9
Cheaper Five Conclusion-10
5.1 Conclusion of Body Language-10
5.2 Several Suggestions on the Body Language in the Primary School English Teaching-10
5.2.1 Pay Attention to the Purpose of Primary School English Teaching-10
5.2.2 Enhance the Harmonious Relationship between Teachers and Students-10
5.2.3 Use Positive and Healthy Body Language to Guide the Right Direction for Students to Imitate-11
5.2.4 Design Simple and Interesting Body Language to Improve Students' Interest in Learning English-11