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中文摘要:语言学习具有很强的实践性,它需要在一定的情境语境中,通过实践运用来完成和固化。创设真实的情境语境有利于提高学生学习语言的效率,也有利于培养学生的语言交际能力。《英语课程标准(2011 版)》明确指出,在英语学习过程中应鼓励学生通过观察、体验、实践、探究、参与、交流与合作等方式学习和运用英语,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。情境教学能最大限度地调动学生学习的积极性,有效培养学生的英语语言交际能力。情境教学所设置情境的真实性在英语教学中最为重要。不真实的情境难以引起学生的主体性思维,也就自然没有了语言交际的动力。在小学英语教学中,大部分教师都努力在课堂中引入情境,创设各种机会让学生感知和实践语言。然而,有时尽管教师利用了实物、图片和场景等创设情境,其实际教学效果却并不明显。其中最主要的一个原因是教师忽视了真实性在创设情境语境中的重要地位。针对这种现状,本文将结合具体教学案例,分析小学英语课堂中真实性情境创设的四类误区并提出有效的解决策略,旨在提高学生的综合语言运用能力,达到学以致用。


关键词: 情境创设     真实性     小学英语     生活化





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The proposition of the question-1

1.2 The Significance of the creation of authentic situation in primary school English classroom-2

1.2.1 The embodiment of the pragmatic value of English-2

1.2.2 In accordance with the psychological and cognitive development of primary school students-2

1.2.3 The improvement of students’ learning interest and motivation-2

1.2.4 The cultivation of students’ ability to use language -3

1.3 The definition of related concept-3

1.3.1 The definition of Situational teaching-3

1.3.2 The characteristics of situational teaching in primary school English-3

1.4 Overseas and domestic research status-4

1.4.1 Overseas research status -4

1.4.2 Domestic research status -5

1.5 Research methods-6

1.5.1 Literature research-6

1.5.2 Classroom observation -6

Chapter Two Four misunderstandings of the creation of the real situation in primary school English classroom and relative analysis-7

2.1 “Anticlimactic”type-7

2.2 “Obscure” type-8

2.3 “Sentence excuse” type-9

2.4 “Sky net” type-9

Chapter Three Strategies and suggestions -11

3.1 Strategies for the improvement of the real situation creation in primary school English Classroom Teaching (In response to these proposed teaching cases)-11

3.1.1 To enable students to immerse in the situation all the time and learn the language naturally-11

3.1.2 To make students understand the intention of activity with the necessary instructions and participate in the real situations-11

3.1.3 To make room for the students and let them have an opportunity to think, practice, experience and comprehend-12

3.1.4 To focus on the most direct and most effective situation to highlight the difficult point of teaching.-13

3.2 Several suggestions for the creation of real situation in primary school English classroom -14

3.2.1 The introduction of everyday life situations-14

3.2.2 Arrangements of classroom learning situation-14

Chapter Four Conclusion-16


