关键词: 奖励 小学英语 利与弊 如何使用
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 The background-1
1.2 The Significance and Purpose-1
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 The definition of reward system-3
2.2 Requirements for primary school English curriculum standards-3
2.3 Classifications of the rewards-4
2.3.1 Material reward and spiritual reward-4
2.3.2 Openness reward and non-openness reward-4
2.3.3 Instant reward and delayed reward-4
2.3.4 Process reward and result reward-5
2.4 The earlier studies on reward systems-5
Chapter Three Analysis of the benefits and minuses of reward system-7
3.1 Analysis of the benefits of reward system-7
3.1.1 Ascertain students, and stimulate students' interest-7
3.1.2 Stimulate progress-7
3.1.3 Enrich teaching-7
3.1.4 Maintain order-8
3.1.5 Set a good example-8
3.1.6 Create atmosphere-9
3.2 Analysis of the minuses of reward system-9
3.2.1 Unfair treatment of reward objects-9
3.2.2 Using too much excessive reward without pertinence-.9
3.2.3 The dependence of the student to the reward-10
3.2.4 Singleness of reward system-10
Chapter Four How to use reward systems-12
4.1 The principle of reward-12
4.1.1 Pertinence principle-12
4.1.2 Timeliness principle-12
4.1.3 Fairness principle-13
4.1.4 Overall principle-13
4.1.5 Pluralism principle-14
4.2 Specific use of reward system-14
Chapter Five Conclusion-17
5.1 Conclusion of study-17