关键词:情景教学 英语课堂 小学
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Background-1
1.2 Definition of situation-3
1.3 Significance of the research-5
Chapter Two The Application of Situational Teaching in Different Types of Primary English Class-6
2.1 The problems in the primary English situational teaching-6
2.1.1 Lack of authenticity-6
2.1.2 Lack of interestingness-6
2.1.3 Lack of integrity-6
2.1.4 Lack of communication-7
2.2 The principles of situational teaching-7
2.2.1 The principle of authenticity-7
2.2.2 The principle of interestingness-8
2.2.3 The principle of integrity-8
2.2.4 The principle of hierarchy-9
2.2.5 The principle of sociality-9
2.3 Application of situational teaching in different types of primary English class-10
2.3.1 Creating situations in vocabulary teaching-10
2.3.2 Creating situations in discourse teaching-11
2.3.3 Creating situations in comprehensive plate teaching-12
2.3.4 Creating situations in the reviewing class-13
Chapter Three Conclusion-14