关键词:情感教育 小学双语教学 作用及应用
Chapter One Introduction.1
1.1 General statement.1
1.2 Significance of research.1
1.3 Overall structure of the thesis.3
Chapter Two Literature review.4
2.1 Definition of key items.4
2.2 Related studies5
2.2.1 Related studies abroad.5
2.2.2 Domestic related studies .7
Chapter Three Application of emotional education.8
3.1 Strategies to conduct emotional education.8
3.1.1 Care for students, establish a good relationship between teachers and students.8
3.1.2 Develop students’ learning interest.10
3.1.3 Organize a variety of classroom and curricular activities.11
3.2 Principles to be followed in emotional education12
3.3 The application of emotional education.13
3.3.1 Study the teaching materials and explore the emotional factors in the teaching materials.13
3.3.2 Integrate culture into teaching.13
Chapter Four Limitations of emotional education.15
4.1 Influence of examination oriented education.15
4.2 Lacking of correct teaching concept in teaching..15
4.3 The restriction of the quality of bilingual teachers and educational research
Chapter Five Conclusion16