中文摘要:经典文学作品是小学英语教学中不可或缺的一部分,它既是上课内容的呈现,又是课后阅读的典范。正确运用经典文学作品教学可以提高教学效率。在小学英语教学中多运用经典文学有助于开阔学生的视野,同时,还可以增加学习的趣味性。作为经典的文学作品是经过历史选择出来的最具代表性的,最有价值的,最能表现人类精髓的, 并承载人类普遍的审美价值和道德价值,对人类的发展最为重要的并且有指导作用的作品。首先,由于其具有权威性,经典文学作品在历史长河的发展中起着指向作用。其次,经典文学作品并不是高高在上难以接近的,它很容易为人阅读和理解。第三,凡是经典文学作品,不仅是作家个人意识的反映,而且还是社会背景的衬托。这也就是说,真正的经典文学作品是平易近人,是可以从中学到知识,开阔视野,是可以为小学生的英语学习提供很大帮助的。因此,经典文学作品在小学英语教学中有着十分重要的意义。本文基于几位国内外学者对经典文学作品的研究,包括定义,分类,功能与早期研究,通过分析经典文学作品与小学生身心健康发展的关系,阐明了运用于小学英语教学中的经典文学作品的基本要求,从而分析了经典文学作品对于小学英语教学的重要性。
关键词: 经典文学作品 小学英语教学 关系 要求
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Background-1
1.2 The significance and purpose-2
Chapter Two Literature Review-4
2.1 Classic literature-4
2.1.1 The definition of classic literature-4
2.1.2 The classification of classic literature-4
2.2 The functions of using classic literature in English teaching in primary school-6
2.3 The earlier studies on classic literature-7
Chapter Three The relationship between classic literature and healthy physical and mental growth of primary school students.-8
3.1 It is beneficial for primary school students to draw upon examples of positive character in those works.-8
3.2 It is beneficial for primary school students to achieve advantage parts and get rid of disadvantages under instruction of the teachers.-8
Chapter Four The basic requirements of using classic literature in English teaching in primary school.-10
4.1 The content must be moderate and comply with the selection of the students’ age characteristics.-10
4.2 Combine with several works to summarize the English teaching-11
4.3 Combining with the video and illustration, and develop the reading interest of students.-12
Chapter Five Conclusion-14
5.1 Conclusion of study-14
5.2 Several suggestions for the using classic literature in primary school English teaching-15