关键词: 小学生 英语 学习兴趣
Abstract:With the information and diversity of society, English is becoming more and more important and many countries have incorporated English into the important part of the quality of citizens in the basic education stage. The Ministry of Education in China in the fall of 2001 began to actively promote the English Curriculum in primary schools throughout the country. We all say that "interest is the best teacher", so primary English teaching should lay stress on cultivating students ' interest in learning English.
This article will analyze the current situation of students learning English and explain what the interest is and its importance, and from other aspects of teaching content, teaching method, teaching environment, teaching form and so on. Discussing how to carry out English teaching and cultivate students' English learning interest
Key Words: primary school students English learning interest
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 The definition of interest-1
1.2 The importance of cultivating interest-1
Chapter two Current situation and reasons-3
2.1 Chapter one Current situation of English education-3
2.2 Reasons-3
2.2.1 Teaching methods are inflexible and stubborn-3
2.2.2 The content is too monotonous-4
Chapter Three How to cultivate students ' interest in learning English-5
3.1 The teaching content of interest-5
3.1.1 Making full use of teaching materials and various teaching methods to increase the interest and attraction of English learning-5
3.1.2 Developing rich and various extracurricular activities-5
3.2 The diversity of teaching methods-6
3.2.1 Flexible and diverse teaching methods-6
3.2.2 Selecting scientific teaching methods and enhancing students' interest in learning English-7
3.3 The teaching form of time saving and effective-8
3.4 Easy and good teaching environment-9
3.4.1 Creating a good English learning environment, stimulate students' learning interest and desire for knowledge-9
3.4.2 Creating a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere in class, teaching goes together with pleasure.-10
3.5 Other methods-10
3.5.1 Treating each class seriously and keeping the student's interest in learning-10
3.5.2 Building a harmonious relationship between teachers and students-11
3.5.3 Paying attention to cooperative learning and experience learning English in the cooperation of happiness-12
3.5.4 More encouragement education-13
Chapter Four Conclusion-14