本文针对小学英语课堂教学里非语言交流的需要,介绍了非语言交际的四大类别,肢体语言,副语言,环境语言 及客体语言,阐述了它们在英语课堂教学里面应用方法并给出了可能产生的效果,希望能为中小学教师在英语教学方面提供些微的帮助。本文共分为五章。第一章介绍非语言交际的研究背景,研究意义和研究目的。第二章给出了非语言的定义、功能与国内外研究现状。第三章叙述了非语言四种类别及其各在英语课堂教学里的应用。第四章提出非语言交际运用的的不足。最后一章是文章结论部分,除介绍了本文研究成果之外,还给出了一些关于中小学老师如何克服非语言运用缺点的的建议。以期为中小学英语教师在教学里运用非语言提供一些借鉴。
关键词: 非语言交流 英语课堂教学 肢体语言
Abstract: In our society, human communication has two types: verbal communication and nonverbal communication. The meaning of nonverbal communication is all the communicative behaviors beyond language, and it is an integrated part of human communication. People usually emphasize the verbal communication, and overlooking the fact that the majority of the information is conveyed by nonverbal ways. Researches on nonverbal communication are usually in connection with nursing and intercultural communication. There is little study on nonverbal communication of primary English teaching. Nowadays, researches on nonverbal communication have been more advanced and complicated than before. By using nonverbal communication will be more convenient and vivid than verbal communication.
This thesis has five parts. In the first part, the background, significance and purpose of nonverbal communication are given. Next, the definition, functions and earlier studies are presented. Then, Chapter Three and Chapter Four discuss the application of nonverbal communication in English teaching. At last, the author gives some suggestions to English teachers.
Key Words : nonverbal communication English classroom teaching body language
Chapter One Introduction.1
1.1 The background1
1.2 The significance and purpose.2
Chapter Two Literature review.4
2.1 Definition of teachers’ nonverbal communication.4
2.2 Functions of teachers’ nonverbal communication4
2.3 The earlier studies at home and abroad 6
Chapter Three The classification of nonverbal communication and their application in English teaching7
3.1 Classification teachers’ of nonverbal communication7
3.2 Body language and its application in English teaching7
3.3 Paralanguage and its application in English teaching9
3.4 Environmental language and its application in English teaching11
3.5 Object language and its application in English teaching12
Chapter Four The status quo of the application of nonverbal communication in English teaching.14
4.1 Difficulty of interpreting nonverbal communication exactly .14
4.2 Lacking intercultural communication awareness.14
Chapter Five Conclusion .16
5.1 Major findings16
5.2 Suggestions for English teachers16