1. Introduction.1
1.1Research Background1
1.2 Significance and Purpose2
1.3 Structure of the Thesis 2
2. Literature Review4
2.1 The Definition of Mind Map4
2.2 Previous Studies on the Mind Map both Abroad and at Home4
2.2.1 Studies on Mind Map Abroad4
2.2.2 Studies on Mind Map at Home 5
2.3 Theoretical Basis 6
2.3.1 Theory of Knowledge Visualization 6
2.3.2 Theory of Levels of Processing7
2.3.3 Theory of Brain Science7
3. Research Design9
3.1Research Questions 9
3.2 Research Participants-9
3.3 Introduction of Evergrand Nanhai Primary School 9
3.4 Research Methods 10
3.4.1 Tests10
3.4.2 Questionnaire 10
3.4.3 Interviews11
3.5 Research Procedure11
4. Findings and Discussions 13
4.1 Analysis and Discussion of the Tests13
4.1.1 Pre- test13
4.1.2 Post- test 13
4.1.3 Summary of the Tests 14
4.2 Analysis and Discussion of the Questionnaires 14
4.2.1 Pre-questionnaire14
4.2.2 Post-questionnaire 15
4.2.3 Summary of the Questionnaires 17
4.3 Analysis and Discussion of the Interviews 17
4.3.1 The Interview with Students17
4.3.2 The Interviews with Teacher 19
4.3.3 Summary of the Interviews21
5. Conclusion 22
5.1 Major findings22
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions 23
Appendixes 26