中文摘要:作为巩固语言知识的手段,家庭作业在学生的学习中起着重要作用。然而,小学英语作业的情况并不容乐观。教师对作业设计不够重视,并根据自己的喜好随意布置作业。此外书面作业在英语作业中比重过大。过多的书面作业不仅与新课标的强调以素质为导向的课程理念背道而驰,而且妨碍提升语言学习对学生发展的价值。而心理学家加德纳提出的多元智能理论(MI Theory)与新课标的培养学生英语核心素养的观念不谋而合。加德纳提出,除了语言和数学逻辑智能之外,每个人都拥有其他六种智能。解决一个问题,人们不仅只使用语言智能或者数学逻辑智能,可能还会使用人际智能等其他六种智能。同样,为了培养英语核心素质,教师应该帮助学生既培养语言智能也培养其他同样重要的智能。
关键词:多元智能理论; 英语作业设计; 小学英语;英语作业设计策略;
1.1The background of the study 2
1.2The organization of the paper . 3
2.Literature Review .4
2.1 Multiple Intelligences Theory4
2.1.1 Basic types of Multiple Intelligences4
2.1.2 Studies of Multiple Intelligences abroad.5
2.1.3 Studies of Multiple Intelligences in China6
2.2 Homework Design 7
2.2.1 Studies of Homework Design abroad7
2.2.2 Studies of Homework Design in China.8
3.Research of Situation of English Homework.11
3.1 Participant11
3.2The Characteristics of the Participant.11
3.3 Research questions.11
3.4 The purpose of the questionnaire.11
3.5 The analysis of the result of the questionnaire 13
3.6 Summary of the analysis of the questionnaire result.18
3.6.1The problem of English homework design .18
3.6.2 Some advice to solve the problem of English homework design.18
4.Examples of English Homework in Primary School Used with MI Theory 19
4.1 Examples of English Homework Used with Musical Intelligence 19
4.1.1 Example 120
4.2 Examples of English Homework Used with Bodily- Kinesthetic Intelligence 22
4.2.1 Example 223
4.3 Examples of English Homework Used with Intrapersonal Intelligence 25
4.3.1 Example 325
4.4 Examples of English Homework Used with Interpersonal Intelligence 27
4.4.1 Example 428
4.5 Examples of English Homework Used with Naturalist Intelligence 29
4.5.1 Example 530
5. Conclusion.33