1. Introduction-1
1.1 Research Background-1
1.2 Research Significance-1
1.3 Composition of the Thesis-2
2. Literature Review-3
2.1 The Definition of Illustration-3
2.2 Theoretical Foundation-3
2.2.1 Dual-Coding Theory-3
2.2.2 Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning-3
2.2.3 Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development-4
2.3 Review of Relevant Studies Abroad-4
2.4 Review of Relevant Studies at Home-5
2.4.1 The Functions of the Illustrations-5
2.4.2 Researches on How to Effectively Use Illustrations-6
3. Methodology-7
3.1 Research Method-7
3.2 Research Question-7
4. Analyzing the Application of Illustrations in Teaching-8
4.1 The Application of Illustrations in Listening Teaching-8
4.1.1 Picture Sorting-8
4.2 The Application of Illustrations in the Teaching of Speaking-9
4.2.1 Using Charts in the Teaching of Speaking-9
4.2.2 Using Illustrations to Promote Understanding-9
4.2.3 Picture Gap-10
4.3 The Application of Illustrations in Reading Teaching-10
4.3.1 Using Illustrations to Predict the Story-10
4.3.2 Using Illustrations to Retell the Text-11
4.4 The Application of Illustrations in Writing Teaching-12
4.4.1 Drawing and Writing-12
4.4.2 Writing Sentences with Single Illustration-12
4.4.3 Excavating the Illustrations in Textbooks-13
4.5 Other Strategies for Using Illustrations-13
4.5.1 Using Illustrations to Develop Students’ Culture Consciousness-13
5. Conclusion-15
5.1 Attaching Importance to the Use of Illustrations in Teaching-15
5.2 Using Illustrations Flexibly-15