1. Introduction-1
1.1 Background of the Study-1
1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Study-2
1.3 Structure of this Paper-2
2. Literature Review-4
2.1 Origins and Definition of Phonics-4
2.2 Origins and Definition of Picture Book-4
2.3 Previous Studies on Phonics and Picture Book Teaching at Home and Abroad-5
2.3.1 Studies on Phonics-5
2.3.2 Studies on Picture Books-6
2.4 Theoretical Basis-6
2.4.1 Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Stage-6
2.4.2 Stephen Krashen’s Second-Language Theory-7
2.4.3 Whole Language Theory-8
3. Application of Phonics and Picture Book in Primary English Vocabulary Teaching-10
3.1 Problems with Primary English Vocabulary Teaching-10
3.2 Principles of Application of Phonics and Picture Book in Primary English Vocabulary Teaching-10
3.2.1 Medium Difficulty-10
3.2.2 Related to Teaching Content-10
3.2.3 Interesting-11
3.3 Advantages of Application of Phonics and Picture Book in Primary English Vocabulary Teaching-11
3.3.1 Advantages of Phonics Learning-11
3.3.2 Advantages of Picture Book Learning-12
3.3.3 Advantages of Combination of Phonics and Picture Book-12
3.4.4 Teaching Case-13
4. Conclusion-16
4.1 Teaching Reflection-16
4.2 Limitations of the Study-16
4.3 Suggestions for the Future Study-16