Abstract:The reform of education in China has been comprehensively promoted for the past few years, and the reform of education in English, starting from the third grade, has attracted the attention of everyone. Elementary school is mainly to master some basic elements of English learning of students, To cultivate students’ interest in learning English, good ability of learning English, and simple daily communication in the course of life, be fostered good oral English ability. Therefore, primary school English teaching is the basic stage of the whole English learning process and also the critical period.
Based on research the retrieval of relevant literatures, it was found that with the development of education reform, there were more and more literatures on English teaching in primary schools, but relatively few studies were conducted on the comparison between urban and rural areas. This article of the students' learning methods, learning resources and learning attitude, the primary school English teaching concept, teaching method, based on the classroom import, the progress of the teaching process and teaching summary three teaching links to targeted classroom observation, in the form of classroom activity to show the gap between urban and rural primary school English classroom teaching and the problems existing in the rural primary school English classroom teaching. Trying to explore the reasons for these differences, and from teachers, teaching conditions, the students themselves and parents of children in targeted Suggestions, in order to improve the effect of rural primary school English classroom teaching, narrow the gap between urban and rural.
Keywords: Primary English; Classroom teaching; Urban and rural differences; Cause analysis; balanced development
摘要:我国基础教育改革的全面推进,以三年级为起点的英语教育改革受到每个人的关注。小学阶段主要是掌握英语学习的一些基本元素,培养学生学习英语的兴趣以及良好学习英语的能力,在生活中能进行简单的日常交流,从小培养良好的口语能力。因此,小学英语教学是整个英语学习过程的基础阶段,也是关键时期。 笔者通过对相关文献资料检索,发现随着基础教育改革的发展,研究小学英语教学的文献越来越多,但进行城乡对比的研究相对较少。
1 Introduction-3
1.1Purpose of the Study-3
1.2Significance of Research-3
2 Literature Review-3
2.1 Studies Abroad-4
2.2 Studies at Home-5
3 Research Methodology-7
3.1 Research Participants-7
3.2Research Methods and Instruments-7
3.2.2 Interview-7
3.2.3 Classroom Observation-7
3.3 Data Collection and Analysis-8
4 Current English Teaching and Learning Status in BaoTa Primary School and E'Fang Road No.1 Primary School-8
4.1 Teaching Situations-8
4.1.1Teaching Modes-8
4.1.2 Teaching Concepts-9
4.1.3 Teaching Methods-10
4.1.4 Teaching Resources-11
4.2 Learning Situations-12
4.2.1 Learning Methods-12
4.2.2 Learning Attitudes-15
4.2.3 Learning Resources-16
4.3 External Factors-17
4.3.1 Management and Environment of the School-17
4.3.2 Input and Abilities of the Parents-18
5 Suggestions for Improving Primary School English Teaching-18
5.1Improvement of Teaching Proficiency of the Faculty-19
5.2 Inspiration of the Students’Learning Autonomy and Enthusiasm-19
5.3 Improvement of Teaching Facilities-20
5.4 Enhancement of the Parents’ Input-21
6 Conclusion-21