Abstract:With the reform of education system and the development of quality education, the time that college students spend on completing their studies reduced year by year, of free time is increasing year by year. More and more leisure time provides freedom for the university students to choose activities. Leisure sports, as a new sports concept, with its leisure, entertainment, fashion, novelty, and species diversity has gradually become the first choice of students' daily leisure.
In this paper, using the interviews, literature and other research methods and start from the current situation of leisure sports of Changzhou university students, conducted a survey of the types, methods, motives and impact of male and female students to participate in leisure sports. Analyzes the differences between the male and female students: There are obvious difference between the female and male college students in the participation time, the girls participate in weekly frequency and duration was significantly less than boys; There are obvious difference in the types of activities, boys tend to exercise intensity sports, girls tend to exercise intensity small sports; There are obvious difference in the ways of participation, women are more likely than men to join with good friends; There are obvious difference in the motives, women pay more attention than men to body. Try to find the reasons for these differences between the sexes: Traditional culture on gender role and role expect, forming gender stereotypes, and affect male and female college students' participation in leisure sports; The discipline of the body, especially the female , strengthening their attention to the image in the activity; Masculinity-centric aesthetic, take the female as the appendage and "others" of the male, women's sports behavior is limited by the sight of men. Guide effectively the university students to participate in leisure sports, to form the physical education concept for life.
Key words: college students, leisure sports, gender