关键词: 《非诚勿扰》 制片管理 核心作用
Abstract:A dating show about love and marriages called If You Are The One has been put into the heated focus recently. It has caused nation-wide concerns about the issues on dating and marriages which have been paid much attention such as money worship, the outlook on life and values of youngsters and their diverse viewpoints on marriages. Behind the scenes of this overwhelming success, the importance of production management and its central role cannot be ignored. The group of producers of this dating show applies a series of effective management approaches and regards the program-making as the core. They coordinate the various resources required for the program actively and make a close linkage among all the departments, which has led to the best program-making posture and achieved the goal of maximizing the program value. This paper focuses on the production management of the television program “If You Are The One” from a researching perspective. It also discusses the importance and central function of the production management which has decisive effects on TV program-making.
Key Words: “ If You Are The One” production management the core function