摘要:考察芦蒿中不同部位活性成分的提取及其抗氧化清除自由基的性能。方法 芦蒿的秸秆,花,叶经过粉碎,烘干,石油醚脱色后,用60%的乙醇为提取剂提取活性成分,通过定性定量实验测定黄酮类化合物的含量,并对照抗坏血酸探讨了芦蒿不同部位醇提物的抗氧化活性,包括还原能力,螯合能力以及清除DPPH自由基、清除羟基自由基、清除超氧阴离子能力。结论 芦蒿各部位提取物均具有还原性,抗氧化及清除不同自由基性能,其抗氧化清除自由基由强到弱排序为叶提取物>花提取物>秸秆提取物;对自由基清除能力排序分别为超氧阴离子、DPPH、羟自由基。
关键词:芦蒿 黄酮类化合物 抗氧化性能
Abstract:Studied the bioactive compounds and antioxidant properties and scavenging effects on free radicals of the extract from different parts of Artemisia selengensis. Methods The straws,flowers, leaves of Artemisia selengensis was extracted with petroleum ether respectively to remove the fat and pigment after crushing and drying. And then the powder was extracted with 60% ethanol to obtain the bioactive compounds. The content of flavones was determined by qualitative and quantitative experiments. The antioxidant activities of flavanoids from Artemisia selengensis were evaluated with different antioxidant tests, including reducing power, Chelating capacity, DPPH radical scavenging ,superoxide anion scavenging and hydroxyl radical scavenging respectively in vitro. These various antioxidant activities were compared with ascorbic acid. Results The antioxidant activities of the extracts are very well. Overall, to compare with the antioxidant capacity for scavenging free radicals,the extract of leaves is better with the flowers and straws,the extract is easier to scavenger superoxide anion than DPPH radical and hydroxyl radical。
Key words: Artemisia selengensis Flavanoids Antioxidant activity