摘 要:近年来,新生代员工相继涌入职场,他们为企业注入新鲜血液的的同时也给企业管理带来了一定挑战。新生代员工因时代和生活环境变化而有着与以往员工不同的特点,而这些差异给企业传统的管理模式带来了较大冲击。文章从新生代员工的特性出发,分析新生代员工的职场现状及原因,在此基础上提出一些有针对性的管理策略,以期能促进企业对新生代员工进行有效管理,以及为新生代快速适应职场带来一些帮助。
Abstract:In recent years, the new generation employees have poured into the workplace, they injected fresh blood for the enterprise at the same time also brings a challenge to enterprise management. New generation employees because of the change of times and living environment with the characteristics of different from previous emplyees,and these differences brought a greater impact to traditional enterprise management mode. Starting from the features of the new generation employees,analyzing the work status and the reasons of the new generation employees, on the basis of this puts forward some targeted management strategies, in order to effectively for the new generation employees can promote the enterprise management, as well as the new generation quickly adapt to the workplace to bring some help.
Key words: New generation employees; Characteristic; improvement of management