摘 要:目前,随着中国社会的快速发展和城市化进程的逐步加快,新生代农民工已经在社会多个领域当中扮演着重要的角色,成为了农民工群体的主力军。他们的性格和行为等方面和上一代农民工有较大的不同。然而,分析新生代农民工的特点、了解这个特殊的群体身上的问题对于理解新生代农民工这一群体的发展变化以及对新生代农民工实施有效的管理是十分重要的。
Abstract:Now,with the rapid development of Chinese society and city quickened,the new generation of migrant workers has played an important role in many fields of society.They have become the main force of migrant workers.Compared with the previous generation of migrant workers,their Characteristics and behavior guidance are different.However,It is important to Analysis the characteristics of the new generation of migrant workers and understand the problems on this special group,which are good for understand the development of the new generation of migrant workers and the implementation of effective management of them.
Keyword:Migrant workers;The new generation of migrant workers;City life;Administration