摘 要:随着经济的发展,我国电信业用工制度改革不断深化,劳务派遣用工形式随即产生并发挥着重要隐性价值。但由于市场机制、政策法规不健全,电信业劳务派遣用工机制混乱。本文旨从我国电信业劳务派遣用工的现状出发,对劳务派遣用工中出现的薪酬待遇、民主权利、社会保障等方面的问题进行分析,并提出针对性的策略,以便更好地保障我国电信业劳务派遣员工的切身合法权益,有效促进电信行业劳务派遣用工模式的健康发展。
Abstract:Along with the development of economy, China's telecom industry employment system reform continued to deepen, labor dispatching labor form occurs and plays a very important recessive value. However, due to imperfect market mechanism and policies and regulations, labor dispatch of telecommunications industry produced recruitment mechanism chaos. In this paper, starting from the present situation of China's telecommunications dispatching labor, labor dispatching is analyzed in the employment of the standardization of the wages, democratic rights, social security and other issues, and it puts forward corresponding strategies. In order to better safeguard the labor dispatching employees own legitimate rights and interests of telecommunication industry, and effectively promote the healthy development of labor dispatching labor model.
Key words: Telecommunications Industry; Labor Dispatch; Employer; Dispatched workers