摘 要:在现代社会,由于高级人才资源的极其稀缺和对人才价值认识的回归,人才已经成为各方主体追逐和争抢的对象。据不完全统计,世界上70%的高级人才通过猎头公司调整工作,90%以上的知名大公司利用猎头择取人才。文章从用人单位和候选人的角度,对A公司的服务能力现状进行分析,并据此对猎头公司服务能力的提升提供指导性的对策。
Abstract:In modern society, due to the extreme scarcity of talent and appreciation of the value resulting from senior human resources, the main parties have become chased and scrambled the object of talent. According to incomplete statistics, 70 percent of the world's top talent readjusts jobs through Headhunting companies, and more than 90 percent of well-known and large companies take advantage of headhunting in pursuit of talent. Articles from the perspective of the employer and the candidate for the status quo A company's ability services for evaluation , and accordingly to enhance the service capabilities to provide executive search firm guidance countermeasures.
Key words: Headhunting companies;the Flow of Talent;Influences;Countermeasures