摘 要:随着经济的发展,可雇佣性的内涵及特点逐渐在个人、市场和组织的层次表现出来。而可雇佣性的重要性主要表现在供给关系、员工忠诚度、企业的需要和人力资源市场中个人的地位等主要方面。人力资源管理中可雇佣性的影响因素包括个人、市场和企业三个因素,这三个因素基本上决定了员工能力值的高低。而降低员工可雇佣的主要原因有企业对员工的培养模式落后,就业指导匮乏和员工创新意识缺乏。我们可以通过完善雇佣关系、宣传自我发展、推广技术培训、拓展就业渠道和督促员工规划职业生涯等措施来解决这些问题。
Abstract:With economic development, the connotation and characteristics of employment at the level of individual gradual, market and organization realized it. The importance of employability show in the main aspects of supply relationships, employee loyalty, corporate human resource needs and the status of the individual markets. Human Resource Management employability factors, including individual, market and businesses of the three factors, these three factors largely determines the level of staff capacity values. The main reason for reducing staff can hire companies to have staff training mode backwardness and lack of career guidance staff lack of innovation. We can improve employment relations, publicity and self-development, marketing and technical training, expand employment channels and supervise employees career planning and other measures to solve these problems.
Key words: Employability; Human resource management; solutions