摘 要:“90后”是以独生子女为主要群体,关于“90后”众说纷纭,其中批判性质的言论占主导地位。目前“90后”纷纷步入社会舞台。随着时间的推移,“90后”员工不断增加,“90后”就业人数的增多随之带来的管理问题成为企业的一大考验。“90后”是企业未来的主力军,“90后”的管理问题涉及企业未来的发展。企业要想在市场上谋发展,竞争中谋优势,必须深入了解“90后”员工的特点及职场现状,在此基础上探索管理“90后”员工的有效方法。
Abstract: "90"is the child as the main groups,public opinions are divergent about "90",the critical nature of speech dominant Dominates. "90" have entered the social arena currently. With the passage of time, "90" staff is increasing. Management problem that addition of "90" employment become a test of the enterprises. "90" is the main force in the future of business, Management problems of "90" relate to the development of enterprises in the future. If enterprises want to develop in the market and seek competitive advantage, enterprises must have a thorough understanding of "90" features and status of employees in the workplace, explore the effective management of "90" employment.
Key words: the generation after 90s; characteristic; Management