关键词:服务型社会 社会管理体制 社会工作人才队伍 人才建设
ABSTRACT:With the continuous development of China's social and political economy and the degree of internationalization of our country continues to improve, so that the construction of China's service-oriented society becomes brook no delay, thus further promoting the development of social work. Judging from the present situation, study on the construction of Chinese social work personnel, must be to serve the society as the background analysis, because of the development of social work in China is to serve the society as the basis. Support and management today are indispensable for the development of our government social work talents in the field, in the present government vigorously promote the transparency and openness of the society, the construction of social work personnel is very important. The service society is based on the service-oriented government as the foundation, the main purpose of the social work professional embody "help people to help themselves", this is not only a reference to the construction of the service government, but also the development of today's service idea and deepening. In promoting the construction of social work personnel in our country at the same time, must be planned from all aspects of the political and economic and cultural construction, from the service area to strengthen the talents construction comparable. Essential construction in China social work talents should actively learn from the experience of foreign developed countries, but also must proceed from national conditions research from Hong Kong and Taiwan regions, development of social work personnel of experience, and actively promote the national social work talent team construction.
Keywords: service-oriented society; The system of social management; Social work talent team; Construction of talent