摘 要:伴随电子传媒和报刊媒体的激烈竞争,因执着于“深刻性”的深度报道逐渐受到报界的青睐与重视。创刊二十余年的《南方周末》,经历了三次大转型,至今仍然是新闻媒体行列的标杆,其高举新闻理想与人文关怀的响亮口号,使她成为了中国报界具有公信力的严肃大报,而其在深度报道方面所取得成就也是巨大的。本文从深度报道现状、《南方周末》深度报道风格转变及报道全过程解析三方面探寻《南方周末》在深度报道上的高度和地位。
关键字:深度报道 《南方周末》 新闻理想 写作特色
Abstract:With the electronic media and print media competition, because of emphasis on a"depth" in-depth coverage of increasingly favored by the press and attention. "Southern Weekend" founded more than twenty set, after three transformation, is still the flag of the press. "Southern Weekend" hold high ideals and humane care of the news loud slogans, the achievements of China's most serious newspaper credibility, depth of coverage in terms of its achievements is enormous. This depth of coverage from the status quo, "Southern Weekend" style-depth coverage of the entire process of analysis and reports changes in three areas to explore, "Southern Weekend" in-depth reports on the height and position.
Key word: "Southern Weekend" Depth reports Ideal News Writing characteristics