摘 要:作为一门重视实践的科目,三大新闻实务之一的新闻摄影的理论研究较为落后,尤其与新闻摄影的技术发展和技巧研究相比,新闻摄影伦理理论建设更显滞后。而近年来,中国新闻摄影的问题不断,从照片造假到人为摆拍,从新闻摄影师失德到媒体的照片选择,不一而足。本文主要以摄影理论、新闻理论和应用伦理学为理论框架和思想的来源,以中国新闻摄影争议事件为案例对象,做以对照和分析,并在文中提出在面对新闻摄影的失范行为时,所应建立的新闻摄影伦理的最低标准和衡量尺度,以及面对道德困境时主要采用的功利主义效用原则和道德权变理论。
关键词:新闻摄影 合法性 伦理选择 社会效应 道德权变
Abstract:Subjects as an emphasis on practice, practice one of the three news photojournalism theoretical research is lagging behind, especially compared with the technological development and skills of photojournalism, photojournalism ethical theory to build more lag. In recent years, the Chinese news photography has problems and to human shot put photos fraud, misconduct from a news photographer photo selection to the media, and so forth. In this paper, the theoretical framework and source of ideas for the theory of photography, news theory and applied ethics, photojournalism controversy case, to do with the control and analysis, and in this paper, in the face of photojournalism misconducts, photojournalism ethics should establish minimum standards and measure, and when faced with ethical dilemmas main the utilitarian utility principles and ethics of contingency theory.
Key Words:News Photography Legality Ethical choices Social effects Moral contingency