摘 要:《秧歌》是张爱玲1953年到香港后以Eileen Chang为笔名发表的第一部长篇小说。小说是以“秧歌”为题,却并非是在突显小说的喜气,而是变相地揭示喜气后面所掩盖的真实现状,结局虽以秧歌的喜气之状再现,但是期间流露出的悲剧审美价值显然是无法遮掩的。因此,本文主要是从悲剧审美价值来探讨这部张爱玲的后期之作《秧歌》的文学研究意义,并从人物命运的悲剧、家庭的悲剧、社会的悲剧等诸多方面来分析小说悲剧的独特性,进而引起人们对张爱玲后期之作的关注。
关键词:秧歌 张爱玲 悲剧审美
ABSTRACT:"Yangko" is Zhang Ailing’s first full-length novel which is published under the pen name Eileen Chang after she gets to Hong Kong in 1953. Novel’s topic is yangko,it is not highlight the novel’s happy expression or atmosphere, but it is a disguised form to reveal the real situation of concealed by a beaming back, ending is reproduced in the beaming in the shape of yangko, but during the novel reveals the tragedy of the characteristics obviously cannot be covered. Therefore, this article mainly is tragedy aesthetic value to explore literary research significance of the novel-- " Yangko ", and from the tragic fate of the characters, the family tragedy, the tragedy of the society, and many other aspects to analyze the novel's unique tragic, and then cause the attention of people to research on Zhang Ailing’s " yangko ".
Keywords:Yangko;Eileen Chang;Tragic Aesthetic