【摘 要】中国广播电视业属于一个媒体生态,国家政策媒体制度等调控措施往往对整体的媒体环境有着直接的影响,无论是对于行业的惯例、风气、观念等中观范畴,或者具体的电视台、频道、节目、人事配置等微观形态,皆是如此。面对政令政策的态度将决定电视台未来的发展是积极发展,还是消极被动。因而“限娱令”的推出在如今这个“娱乐至上”的媒体时代出现不异于一石激起千层浪,然而“限娱令”真的是“狼来了”吗?本文通过对于湖南卫视在“限娱令”前后改变的分析及其和其他卫视的比较,总结出电视媒体的应对策略解析,同时总结出“限娱令”并非“狼来了”,危机即机遇,媒体的心态非常重要。“限娱令”并非限制娱乐而是限制过度、烂俗的娱乐,而这对于陷入“娱乐”之争的电视媒体来说并非危机,而是一个改变、创新的机遇。
Abstract: China Radio and TV industry is media ecology. The national policy of media system regulation measures such as often to the whole of the media environment has a direct impact, whether it is for the industry practice, culture, idea etc, category, or specific television station, channel, program, personnel allocation of microscopic morphology. In the face of government policy attitudes will decide the future development of television is a positive development, or passive. "Cutback on TV entertainment” was introduced in the" entertainment first" media time appear no different from one stone arouses billow. However "cutback on TV entertainment" really is "the wolf came"? This article through to the Hunan satellite TV in the "cutback on TV entertainment" and the change analysis and the other TV comparison, summed up the TV media strategy analysis, and "cutback on TV entertainment" is not "the wolf came". It’s a crisis opportunity, and media psychology is very important. "Cutback on TV entertainment" is not limited to entertainment but to limit excessive, worldly entertainment. At the same time, it’s not only crisis, but a chance to the television media who have fell into the “entertainment” contend.
Key Words:Human satellite TV; Cutback on TV entertainment; Media broadcasting policy; State of mind