【摘 要】本文概述了新闻主播表情失控的内涵、新闻主播表情失控后引起的负面影响,表述了新闻主播表情失控的常规表现:语言声调失控是新闻主播表情失控的最常规表现形式;面部表情失控是新闻主播表情失控的重要表现形式;身体姿态失控是新闻主播表情失控的幅度最大的表现形式。分析了新闻主播表情失控的原因:一是社会舆论场的因素;二是主播心理场的因素;三是新闻直播场的因素。提出了减少和控制新闻主播表情失控的对策措施:一是加强新闻主播及相关人员业务技能培养;二是加强新闻主播职业道德培养;三是提升媒体对主播表情失控事件的应对能力。
【ABSTRACT】This article outlines the negative impact caused by the loss of control of the news anchors face out of control of content, news anchor expression, presentation of the news anchor the regular expression out of control performance: language tone out of control is the most conventional manifestation of the newscaster expression runaway; facial expressions out of control is a news anchoran important form of expression out of control; body posture out of control is the biggest manifestation of expression out of control of the news anchor. Analysis of the news anchors face out-of-control reasons: First, the public opinion field factors; anchor psychological factors; news broadcast market factors. Response capacity to reduce and control the news anchor expression out of control countermeasures: First, strengthen the news anchor and business skills of relevant personnel training; second is to strengthen the news anchor ethics training; enhance media event out of control on the anchor expression
【KEYWORD】: News Anchor; Reasonable Expression out of Control; Study