【摘要】 近年来,电视上纷纷推出了情感类调解节目。随着时间的推移,这类节目逐渐占据了各大电视台的黄金时间,形成一股热播高潮。它因为它独特的社会调解功能,成为现代谈话类节目的一个主要发展趋势。但部分电视媒体为吸引观众眼球,争夺收视率,一些电视画面出现较多哭哭啼啼、粗口脏话、暴力互殴等镜头,放大了丑陋一面,以迎合部分观众喜欢窥视别人隐私的心理,形同低俗“真人秀”。基于此,笔者对这类调解类节目火爆的原因做出概括,以一些知名电视调解节目为例,并针对这类节目的瓶颈和误区提出促进它能健康发展的办法。
Abstract:In recent years,TV have been offering emotional class mediation programs.As time goes by,such programs are gradually occupied the major prime time television,and form a hot climax.It has become a major trend of modern talk program because of its unique social mediation power.But some of the television medias appear more crying foul language, bad language and violence lens to attract the viewers' eyes and compete for ratings and also cater to some viewers like to spy on the privacy of others.It likes a vulgar "reality show"and it has enlarged the ugly side of our citizens.Based on this,I have pointed out some well-known television mediation programs as an example and summarized the popular reasons for this kind of mediation shows.For bottlenecks and mistakes,i point out some ways to promote the healthy development of such programs.
Key words:Television mediation shows; Bottlenecks; Solutions