关键词:社会工作教育 东南亚国家 启示
ABSTRACT:Social work profession is needed urgently in the harmonious society,and social work education was also asked to develope better.However, our country is faced with social work education and practice, and other issues. In most Southeast Asian countries, social work education has developed half a century, so localization, professional development has made some achievements that is worth learning from for our country. This article mainly analyzes and summarizes social work education of Southeast Asian countries as well as China,and try to find some enlightenments that can solve our current problems faced by social work education.
The development of social work education is better.in Singapore,Philippines,Malaysia and Thailand The,other Southeast Asian countries,learn social work education from the West countries and the four neighbors. Therefore, this paper focuses on social work education of these four countries .Finally,to deal with the practical needs of social work education in china,the paper provides several enlightenments received from the social work education in Southeast Asian countries.These enlightenments are: improving curricula, training of professional spirit in the theory of teaching, emphasis volunteer services and improving practical aspects of supervision and appraisal and internships and practice teaching,and, continuing to improve the education system and improving teachers' comprehensive ability.
Keywords:social work education;Southeast Asian countries;enlightenment