关键词:社区工作人员 公共精神 培育
Abstract: Public spirit of community workers is a value orientation which lies community development and born in community work and it exists in the level of deepest basic moral issues and political values, and pervades spiritual tradition which is in political, economic and cultural fields. Generally, public spirit includes six aspects, which is the spirit of democracy, equality, service, duty, participation, and the rule of law. A questionnaire survey was conducted in seven communities to learn the current situation of public spirit of community workers. We can conclude that by far there are still some problems in community work. That is community workers’ democratic enthusiasm which is not high enough, their spirit of equality which is limited, their rule of law which is not perfect enough, and their spirit of service which wants improving, their sense of duty which is dimmed, and their spirit of participation which is not active. Therefore, we need to make every effort to strengthen and improve public spirit of community workers. Further analysis of its underlying causes, and proposed to upgrade the community working staff of the public spirit of the specific strategy .
Keywords:Community Workers; Public Spirit; Culivate