摘要:随着互联网的飞速发展,各种新形式的广告纷纷出现,这种现象也在引发了全球广告行业的革命。本文以互联网技术为背景, 通过对广告受众心理和消费行为的分析,以互联网背景下贝因美广告为个案,尝试探索新形势下广告设计的优势和价值,提出广告对策。期望在互联网时代,平面广告设计在传播过程中,能够达到较好的广告效果。
关键词:平面广告设计;广告受众心理; 互联网; 广告效果
Abstract: With the rapid development of Internet, all kinds of new forms of advertising are in succession, this kind of phenomenon also appears in triggered global advertising industry revolution.Based on the background of Internet technology,this paper take means of analyzing the audience and consumer’behavior, in background of Internet by take BeingMate as a case, try to explore new situation of advertisement design advantages and value and put ads countermeasures.ExpectingIn the Internet age, plane advertisement design in the process of transmission can achieve good advertising effectiveness. Keywords: plane advertisement design; consumer psychology to advertising; Internet; advertising effectiveness