Abstract: overload transportation is the road the first killer of serious damage to road surface and bridge facilities, causing huge loss of national traffic revenue, easily lead to road traffic accidents, endangering people's lives and property, leading to abnormal development of the automobile industry ; remediation illegal overloading must strengthen education, promote civic consciousness and the rule of law of traffic, improve the overall quality of law enforcement personnel, strengthen law enforcement, and implementation of macro-control and comprehensive management. Key words: highway trucks; Overload; hazards; reason; Control Measures
Key words: Overload; Shanxi Province; administrative law enforcement; Control Measures
超限超载是改革开放以来公路管理的一大“顽疾” 。当前超限超载问题依旧严重,不得不承认。超限超载,年年治,时时抓,在各部门协调治理情况下,超限超载问题得到一定的控制,但却屡禁难止,并未得到根治根除,成了政府、社会,特别是公路交通部门心中难以抹去的“伤痛”。由于超限超载造成堵车,连续压垮桥梁、压坏路面,在全国都引起震动。高速公路和国省干线公路都损毁严重,造成相当数量的危桥,这些车辆超限超载每年给全省公路造成重大损失。由于治超工作涉及面广、难度大,具有长期性、艰巨性等特点,加上现有的体制、法律等因素的制约,治超工作中仍存在着一些软肋,执法人员在治超过程中往往遭遇一些尴尬,其中一些问题不容忽视。可惜,目前我国执法部门还基本是罚款部门,对超限只罚不治。超限超载也给国家多部门(交通,交警,公路,运政,检疫等等)创造了高收入。